Johan Broddfelt
/* Comments on code */

Build a Conference App part 2

In the video above I go through some of the things you can do in order to get a better flow in your application. There are some things that you need to code by hand and in this post I'll try to explain some of it.


First I want to remind you that if you work in a country where you might have to copy your database between two computers setup to use different languages, then it is a good idea to reindex the tables. You do that by opening the Tools -> Database Builder and then select Reindex in the Maintenance menu. Just select all and then press Reindex, click both the buttons in order to select all again and click Reindex once more and your done.


The next thing we will look at is the Navigation. In addition to NavigateForward, that is used to change views, DataFlex also provides NavigateCloseTo that brings you back to a sertain level in the breadcrumb and NavigateCancelTo that brings you back to a point in the navigation so that you can navigate forward from there. We use the later procedure as follows:

Get GetViewIndex of ghoWebViewStack oAgendeSelect to iIndex
If (iIndex>-1) Begin
    Send NavigateCancelTo oAgendeSelect
Send NavigateForward of oSpeakerZoom Self

The GetViewIndex starts out by checking if the view is in the breadcrumb stack and if so we cancel back to it before NavigateForward

Filter speakers

As default the Speaker Select list is looking at the Presenter table that relates the agenda with an attendee to make that attendee a speaker. But one speaker can have more than one presentation, which means that the list of speakers is full of duplicates. We can easily fix this by telling DataFlex that it should use the Attendee table as main DataDictionary instead. In the Attendee table there is only one of each user, so then the list of speakers wont show more than one of each either.

- Set Main_DD to oPresenter_DD
- Set Server  to oPresenter_DD
// Changed to
+ Set Main_DD to oAttendee_DD
+ Set Server  to oAttendee_DD

Add speakers to talk

When we are in the TalkZoom view we might want to add a Speaker to the Agenda item. We do this by adding an "Add"-button to the view. And then we create a new view called SpeakerPick that shows a list of attendees that we can add as users.

    Object oWebButton1 is a cWebButton
		Set piColumnSpan to 4
		Set piColumnIndex to 0
		Set psCaption to "Add Speaker"
		Procedure OnClick
			Register_Object oSpeakerPick
			Send NavigateForward of oSpeakerPick Self
		Procedure OnGetNavigateForwardData tWebNavigateData ByRef NavigateData Handle hoToView
			Move True to NavigateData.bSaveBeforeNavigate
			Get NamedValueAdd NavigateData.NamedValues "AgendaNr" Agenda.AgendaNr to NavigateData.NamedValues

In the OnRowClick procedure of the SpeakerPick list we add a procedure call to a function that adds the selected user to the presenter table, using the NavigateData array to pass the AgendaNr from the talk to the pick view.

tWebNavigateData NavigateData
Get GetNavigateData to NavigateData
String psAgendaNr

Get NamedValueGet NavigateData.NamedValues "AgendaNr" to psAgendaNr
Send addSpeaker of oPresenters_DD psAgendaNr Attendee.AttendeeNr

Then I created the addSpeaker procedure in the DataDictionary. The reason for this is that this is a procedure that I might want to use from other views and though you can call procedures directly from other views I feel that it is more natural to keep procedures that should be used in many views in the DataDictionary that manages the data.

Procedure addSpeaker Integer iAgenaNr Integer iSpeakerNr
	Reread Presenters
	Clear Presenters
	Move iAgenaNr to Presenters.Agenda
	Move iSpeakerNr to Presenters.Presenter
	SaveRecord Presenters
	Reread Attendee
	Move 1 to Attendee.Speaker
	SaveRecord Attendee

The addSpeaker takes two parameters as input, AgendaNr and SpeakerNr and adds them to the presenter table. Then it also sets the speaker switch to 1 in the attendee marking that attendee to be a speaker. And while I was at it I also create a removeSpeaker procedure that starts by removing the speaker from the talk and then checks if the speaker has any other talks. If not, then reset the speaker switch to zero.

Procedure removeSpeaker Integer iAgenaNr Integer iSpeakerNr
	Move iAgenaNr to Presenters.Agenda
	Move iSpeakerNr to Presenters.Presenter
	Find eq Presenters by Index.3
	Delete Presenters
	Clear Presenters
	Move iSpeakerNr to Presenters.Presenter
	Find ge Presenters by Index.1
	If (iSpeakerNr  Presenters.Presenter) Begin
		Clear Attendee
		Move iSpeakerNr to Attendee.AttendeeNr
		Find eq Attendee by Index.1
		Reread Attendee
		Move 0 to Attendee.Speaker
		SaveRecord Attendee

User rights

Now we do not want everyone to be able to add speakers to talks, so we need some kind of login. This is provided by the DataFlex framework, so we can just use the default functionality. In order to check if a user is logged in you use the IsLoggedIn function and you do that check right before you open your view in the procedure called OnNavigateForward.

Boolean bLoggedIn

WebSet pbRender of oWebButton1 to False
Get IsLoggedIn of ghoWebSessionManager to bLoggedIn
If (bLoggedIn) Begin
	WebSet pbRender of oWebButton1 to True

Then you can use the pbRender, pbVisible or pbEnabled to change the accessibility of components in your view.

Profile image

This part contains quite a lot of code so I recommend you take a look at the SalesPerson view in the Mobile Order Entry example that comes with the DataFlex installation. That is one of the best resources to see how things are done in DataFlex. But you should also make yourself familiar with the help tool, just press F1. And if you need any more help you have the DataAccess Support Forum

If you enjoy this video then don't forget to go into the channel on youtube and subscribe or add your mail to my newsletter. You may also want to see the entire course Discovering DataFlex available on youtube.

- dataflex, conference app, mobile, coding, software

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