Johan Broddfelt

Neural net in JavaScript

Link to sample page

Why would you build a neural net in JavaScript? Neural nets need to work fast and should be written in some language that is a lot closer to the computer core. Though that is certainly true, my goal here is to get the knowledge about what neural nets are and how they work to a broader audience. And since JavaScript is one of the most used languages and it is easy to look at an play with in a regular browser, I feel it is a perfect way to get started on the path of machine learning.

What is a neural net?

A neural net is a set of digital neurons placed in a network grouped in different layers. They work like the neurons in your brain and are very good at solving fuzzy problems. Like looking at a letter, regardless of font or handwriting and figure out what letter it is. You can not write a logic program that does that as well as a neural net can.

What can it be used for

Neural nets can be used for a wide range of things where you need to interpret unstructured data. Just search the Internet and you will find an enormous amount if implementations. And the use of neural nets is growing every day, especially in fields like machine learning and business intelligence.

What can't they do?

They can not give answers to things you have not told it. Meaning if you show the letters of the alphabet to a neural net it can still not figure out what a number is. If you show it 1 it will probably take it for an l or an I. So you only get out what you put in. But the way nets are used and combined are expanding every day and the networks are learning more and more complex things. So it is hard to tell where the limit actually is, if any.

How does it work?

You show a list of samples to the network and for each sample you provide the right answer. Then the network compares it's own response to the correct answer, this gives it the error. The network the "back propagate", meaning it tries to adjust all weights in the network slightly, in order to give a smaller error next time. This process is repeated for all training samples and you end up with a total error for the network. Now the network runs another iteration over the data and tries to make the error even smaller. This process is repeated until the error is smaller than a certain threshold where the network is considered trained.

Sample code

You can play around with my sample page, but you will get the most out of it if you download the entire page and play around with the values in the code in order to get a feel for how the network is working.

The sample I have chosen for this brief introduction in the matter only take two values in and we want to teach it to respond in a certain way. The sample should be big enough so that you can see the power in action but still small enough so that you can get an understanding without getting to confused.
The goal for this network is to show a colour depending on the value of the two input parameters. You can see the result after you have selected which colour combination it should learn. And if you want to play around, one of the main variables to play with is the "layerSizes" and "tFunc" arrays, they need to contain an equal amount of elements. Here you define each layer as an element in the array and the value on that layer is the number of neurons you want in the network.
The "errGoal" variable defines how small the error is supposed to be when the network should be regarded as trained. "maxCount" is the maximum number of iterations that the network will try to learn you combination. If it does not succeed it will reset the network and start over. "trainingRate" and "momentum" controls the way the network is learning. How fast it moves towards the correct solution. But if you set this value to high it will start to overshoot and miss the goal.
When you play around with these numbers you will notice that there are a lot of things that can effect the way this kind of network behaves, and even though the structure of these networks is kind of simple. The options in witch you can configure them makes the task really time consuming. Take for instance the choice of TransferFunction, it can determine if you can use negative values (-1 to 1) or only work with positive (0 to 1). And if you should use a sigmoid function or any other function for calculating values. What does your network look like when training starts. Are you using a Gaussian value for the weights or some other method for setting start values.

Tips for players

If you want to change something in the code in order to see how it behaves you can change the var layerSizes = [2, 5, 5, 5, 1];. The minimum you can use is [2, 1] which means 2 inputs and 1 output. But remember to also modify the tFuncs accordingly.

Here is the HTML code:

    Neural JS

And here is the javascript code:

     * This is a re-write of the presentation at for javascript
     * Created by Johan Broddfelt,
     * License: Use freely and modify as you like
    (function() {
      var main = document.getElementById('main');
      var randomWeight = function() {
        return Math.random();
        //return Math.random() * 2 - 1;
      // Generate a color from a number, for presentation only
      var getColor = function(col) {
        col = parseInt(col*510/20) * 2;
        var r = 0;
        if (col >= 255) { r = col-255; }
        var b = 0;
        if (col <= 255) { b = 255-col; }
        var g = ((255)-(r+b));
        return '#'+toHex(r)+toHex(g)+toHex(b); // int = parseInt(hexString, 16);

      var toHex = function(num) {
        return ('0' + num.toString(16)).slice(-2);
      var TransferFunctions = function() {
        this.evaluate = function(tFunc, input) {
          switch (tFunc) {
            case 'sigmoid':
              return this.sigmoid(input);
            case 'none':
              return 0.0;
        this.evaluateDerivative = function(tFunc, input) {
          switch (tFunc) {
            case 'sigmoid':
              return this.sigmoidDerivative(input);
            case 'none':
              return 0.0;
        this.sigmoid = function(x) {
          return (1/(1 + Math.pow(Math.E, -x)));
        this.sigmoidDerivative = function(x) {
          return this.sigmoid(x) * (1 - this.sigmoid(x));
      var Gaussian = function() {
        this.getRandomGaussians = function(mean, stddev) {
          var u = 0.0, v = 0.0, s = 0.0, t = 0.0;
          while (u*u + v*v > 1 || (u===0 && v===0)) {
            u = 2*Math.random()-1;
            v = 2*Math.random()-1;
          s = u*u + v*v;
          t = Math.sqrt((-2.0 * Math.log(s)) / s);
          val1 = stddev * u * t + mean;
          val2 = stddev * v * t + mean;
          return [val1, val2];
        this.getRandomGaussian = function(mean, stddev) {
          if (mean === undefined) { mean = 0.0; stddev = 1.0; }
          var valArr = this.getRandomGaussians(mean, stddev);
          return valArr[0];
      var BackPropagationNetwork = function() {
        /* Private data */
        this.layerCount = 0;
        this.inputSize = 0;
        this.layerSize = [];
        this.transferFunction = [];
        this.layerOutput = [];
        this.layerInput = [];
        this.bias = []; = [];
        this.previousBiasDelta = [];
        this.weight = [];
        this.previousWeightDelta = [];
        /* Constructor */
        this.initialize = function(layerSizes, transferFunctions) {
          if (transferFunctions.length !== layerSizes.length || transferFunctions[0] !== 'none') {
            alert('Cannot construct a network with these parameters');
          // Initialize network
          this.layerCount = layerSizes.length - 1;
          this.inputSize = layerSizes[0];
          this.layerSize = [];
          for (i=0; i < this.layerCount; i++) {
            this.layerSize[i] = layerSizes[i + 1];
          this.transferFunction = [];
          for (i=0; i < this.layerCount; i++) {
            this.transferFunction[i] = transferFunctions[i + 1];
          // Start dimentioning arrays
          this.bias = [];
          this.previousBiasDelta = [];
 = [];
          this.layerOutput = [];
          this.layerInput = [];
          this.weight = [];
          this.previousWeightDelta = [];
          // Fill 2 dimetional arrays
          for (l=0; l=0; l--) {
            // Output layer
            if (l === (this.layerCount - 1)) {
              for (k=0; k
'; } var random = ''; if (iterations === 0) { random = ' (random)'; } main.innerHTML += ' ' + iterations + ' iterations' + random + '
'; while (err > errGoal && count <= maxCount) { count++; iterations++ err = 0.0; for (it=0; it<4; it++) { err += bpn.train(input[it], desired[target][it], trainingRate, momentum); } if (count % 250 === 0) { for (it=0; it<4; it++) { output =[it]); main.innerHTML += '
'; } main.innerHTML += ' ' + iterations + ' iterations, error: ' + err.toFixed(5) + '
'; } if (false && count % 250 === 0) { output =[0]); console.log('Iteration ' + count + ' Input: ' + input[0] + ' Output: ' + output[0] + ' Error: ' + err); output =[1]); console.log('Iteration ' + count + ' Input: ' + input[1] + ' Output: ' + output[0] + ' Error: ' + err); output =[2]); console.log('Iteration ' + count + ' Input: ' + input[2] + ' Output: ' + output[0] + ' Error: ' + err); output =[3]); console.log('Iteration ' + count + ' Input: ' + input[3] + ' Output: ' + output[0] + ' Error: ' + err); console.log('------'); } if (count === maxCount && err > 0.01 && attempt < maxAttempts) { count = 0; bpn.initialize(layerSizes, tFuncs); main.innerHTML += '--- Reset random weights ---
'; attempt++; } } for (it=0; it<4; it++) { output =[it]); main.innerHTML += '
'; } main.innerHTML += ' ' + iterations + ' iterations, error: ' + err.toFixed(5) + '
'; /* console.log('Error: ' + err.toFixed(5) + ' Iterations: ' + (count-1)); output =[0]); console.log('Input: ' + input[0] + ' Desired ' + desired[0] + ' Output: ' + output[0].toFixed(3)); output =[1]); console.log('Input: ' + input[1] + ' Desired ' + desired[1] + ' Output: ' + output[0].toFixed(3)); output =[2]); console.log('Input: ' + input[2] + ' Desired ' + desired[2] + ' Output: ' + output[0].toFixed(3)); output =[3]); console.log('Input: ' + input[3] + ' Desired ' + desired[3] + ' Output: ' + output[0].toFixed(3)); */ }; main.innerHTML += '
'; main.innerHTML += 'Input data (AB)
'; main.innerHTML += '
'; main.innerHTML += '
'; main.innerHTML += '
'; main.innerHTML += '

'; main.innerHTML += 'Select goal for output (X)
'; for (d=0; d '; } main.innerHTML += '
'; } main.innerHTML += '
'; //educate(0); var tBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('train_btn'); for (btn=0; btn

NOTE: This is some old JavaScript code that I wrote a while back, so it is not like a separate object of a neural net that could be easily used in other projects. It is kind of dependant on the rest of the sample code being there. Maybe I'll break it out later so that I can use it in some other projects later. But for now it is enough to play around with.

Click here if you want to look at my spread sheet of a neuron.

- neural net, ai, javascript, software

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